Extent and type of protection for
Cap Tourmente

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The following graphic illustrates the extent and type (according to IUCN management classes) of officially designated protected areas that overlap this IBA.

Learn more about the status and implications of IBA protection (or lack thereof) at national and regional scales. Almost 70% of Canada’s nearly 600 IBAs have little to no overlap with protected areas, leaving them vulnerable to development and other disturbances. The results of these analyses underscores the need for local community involvement in conserving IBAs, and the need to consider IBA values in local decision making and land-use planning.



IA: Strict Nature Reserve (outstanding unaltered ecosystems/species; scientific research/monitoring permitted)

IB: Wilderness Area (large unaltered/slightly altered protected areas; no permanent/significant habitation)

II: National Park (managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation/tourism; may allow product removal/habitation)

III: Natural Monument (one or more rare/unique natural or cultural features)

IV: Habitat/Species Managment (actively managed to maintain habitats/species)

V: Protected Land/Seascape (historically human altered; managed areas)

VI: Managed Resource Protected Area (sustainable use of natural products/services to meet community needs)

N/D: Unclassified

X: No Overlap (percent of IBA area that is not overlapped by a designated protected area)

Notes:  International designations were not considered in the analysis.  There may be multiple, overlapping protected area polygons within an IBA; therefore, percentages across categories do not sum to 100%.

Download spatial data for Canada's IBAs and Canada's designated protected areas.
Contact iba@birdscanada.org for more information.


The IBA Program is an international conservation initiative coordinated by BirdLife International. The Canadian co-partners for the IBA Program are Birds Canada and Nature Canada.
   © Birds Canada