BirdLife in Canada
Bird Studies Canada and
Nature Canada are the
Canadian co-partners in
BirdLife International, a global
alliance of non-governmental organizations dedicated to
the conservation of birds, their habitats, and
As BirdLife in Canada, we deliver the Important Bird
and Biodiversity Areas (IBA) Program, which aims to identify, monitor,
and conserve a network of sites that provide essential
habitat for significant bird populations. Our volunteer
IBA Caretakers are working alongside ornithologists and
conservation scientists to help us protect birds and
critical ecosystems.
Bird Studies Canada is a national charitable
organization that advances the understanding,
appreciation, and conservation of wild birds and their
habitats. From international partnerships such as the
IBA Program, to national initiatives like Project
FeederWatch and the Christmas Bird Count, to
regionally-based breeding bird atlases and a wide range
of other activities, Bird Studies Canada’s research and
monitoring programs engage over 20,000 volunteer Citizen
Scientists each year.

Nature Canada is a national charity whose mandate is
to protect and conserve wildlife and habitats in Canada
by engaging people and advocating on behalf of nature.
With strategies based on sound science and a passion for
nature, Nature Canada effects change on issues of
national significance, including bird conservation,
wilderness protection, and species at risk.
BirdLife International is a global partnership of
conservation organizations that strives to conserve
birds, their habitats, and global biodiversity, working
with people to encourage sustainability in the use of
natural resources. BirdLife Partners operate in over 100
countries and territories worldwide, and collaborate on
regional work programs in every continent.
BirdLife’s headquarters are in Cambridge, UK, and
there are regional BirdLife offices in Europe, Asia,
Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas.