Site Complet

Niagara River Corridor (ON002)


Niagara River Corridor (ON002)

Niagara Falls, Ontario

Latitude 43,052°N
Longitude 79,006°O
Altitude 74 - 177m
Superficie 184,47km²

Description du site

The Niagara River flows 60 km from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario. In addition to being a major tourist destination, it provides drinking water, recreational fishing, employment, and electrical power to millions of people. The river is bordered by urban areas, industrial developments, and agricultural lands with parkland areas and remnant natural areas being interspersed. For a 15 km stretch downstream from the falls the river flows through a 100 m deep and 1 km wide gorge. The riverine habitats are quite varied, ranging from large lake-like areas, exposed boulder beds, rapids, falls, whirlpools, and stretches with swift currents. Within the gorge, the cliff rim, cliff face, and talus slope communities support one of the highest concentrations of rare plant species in Ontario.


The Niagara River annually supports one of the largest and most diverse concentrations of gulls in the world. More than 100,000 individuals can be observed foraging along the river during fall and early winter. A total of 19 gull species have been recorded (60% of all New World gull species), with up to 14 species being recorded on a single day. The number of gulls and diversity of species generally peak in November. Two species occur in globally significant numbers, Bonaparte's Gull and Herring Gull, while Ring-billed Gull nearly reaches 1% ot its respective estimated total global population.

During fall and early winter 10,000 or more Bonaparte's Gulls can regularly be observed along the river (over 2.5% of its global population). Peaks of more than 40,000 individuals have been observed on several occasions (1973, 1977, 1990, 1991, and 2009) representing over 10% of its global population. Over the course of the fall and early winter season up to 100,000 birds have been estimated to pass through this site (over 25% of its global population).

Herring Gulls are also abundant; 20,000 or more individuals can be observed regularly with a maximum of 50,000 individuals being reported on a single day. This represents the regular occurrence about 5% of the North American Herring Gull population with nearly 14% of the population being reported on a single day. Ring-billed Gulls are also present in large numbers, exceeding 20,000 individuals.

Waterfowl concentrations during fall and winter also regularly exceed 20,000 individuals with more than 20 species represented. Canvasbacks and Greater Scaup are occasionally present in significant numbers, or numbers exceeding 1% of their respective estimated North American populations.

Some specific sites along the river corridor are also significant for colonial nesters such as Black-crowned Night Herons, Common Terns, and Ring-billed Gulls. Due to the regional geography, large numbers of migrating raptors and landbirds cross the river during migration, however they do not stop in large numbers along the river corridor. Lastly, about 20 speciesof birds identified as at risk by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) have also been observed using this area.

Enjeux de conservation

The Niagara River corridor was the first globally significant IBA to be jointly identified by cooperating organizations in Canada and the United States. It was formally dedicated in December 1996.

There is no comprehensive protection for the Niagara River Corridor. Currently, toxic pollutants remain one of the largest potential threats. As such, the Niagara river is targeted as an Area of Concern under the Great Lakes Remedial Action Plan, and is the focus of the Niagara River Toxics Management Plan. Substantial reductions of key pollutants have been achieved at several point sources along the river.

The corridor comprises several municipal jurisdictions and the pressure for urban development is high. Retention of natural habitats and land use planning will be important. Little is known about the food or other ecological resources that support these large populations of gulls. A conservation plan for this IBA is being developed through a coalition of interested groups.

Catégories ZICO Habitats Usages Menaces Potencielles ou Existantes Status de Protection
Mouette de Bonaparte
Nombre Année Saison
4 7502021Printemps
3 375 - 5 5002021Hiver
3 887 - 7 0002020Hiver
3 250 - 3 8002020Automne
3 000 - 7 0472019Hiver
4 500 - 6 3542019Automne
7 2632018Automne
3 316 - 6 5742017Hiver
4 000 - 6 9832017Automne
3 500 - 9 3132016Hiver
3 000 - 3 1462016Automne
4 216 - 8 0002015Hiver
7 200 - 11 7142015Automne
4 4852014Automne
4 200 - 5 5732013Hiver
3 200 - 10 0002013Automne
7 905 - 8 0002013Printemps
3 412 - 12 0002012Hiver
9 6632012Printemps
3 946 - 10 0002011Hiver
4 000 - 8 0002011Automne
4 000 - 10 0002010Hiver
5 000 - 30 0002010Automne
7 0002010Printemps
7 600 - 70 0002009Hiver
3 500 - 70 0002009Automne
3 5992008Hiver
3 000 - 5 1972008Automne
4 000 - 5 2402007Hiver
3 228 - 6 0002006Hiver
4 000 - 10 0002006Automne
5 000 - 10 0002005Automne
3 000 - 3 7692004Hiver
5 0002004Automne
3 000 - 10 0002003Hiver
4 580 - 4 6002003Automne
3 192 - 50 0002002Hiver
4 9502002Printemps
4 140 - 10 0002001Hiver
5 0002001Automne
3 000 - 15 5002000Hiver
3 000 - 10 8752000Automne
4 100 - 15 0001999Hiver
3 0001999Automne
4 2401999Printemps
3 920 - 10 6201998Hiver
4 5501998Automne
4 2501998Printemps
6 215 - 12 4401997Hiver
11 200 - 50 0001997Printemps
8 000 - 20 3181996Hiver
16 2701996Printemps
10 134 - 20 0001995Hiver
5 000 - 100 0001995Automne
22 4681994Hiver
3 100 - 4 0001993Hiver
5 000 - 10 0001992Hiver
3 000 - 40 0001991Hiver
5 500 - 40 0001990Hiver
6 4001990Automne
50 0001979Automne
Goéland hudsonien
Nombre Année Saison
3 5002021Printemps
3 000 - 6 7652020Hiver
3 0002020Automne
2 850 - 3 0002019Hiver
3 4902019Automne
4 000 - 5 9542018Hiver
13 1042018Automne
3 000 - 6 7632017Hiver
5 0002017Automne
2 800 - 9 7002016Hiver
4 000 - 8 2882015Hiver
3 000 - 3 5002015Automne
3 077 - 5 5002014Hiver
5 000 - 5 2102014Automne
5 000 - 10 0002013Hiver
3 0002013Automne
6 607 - 12 0002012Hiver
5 0002012Automne
3 000 - 6 7762011Hiver
3 000 - 5 7452010Hiver
3 000 - 40 0002010Automne
3 419 - 35 0002009Hiver
4 000 - 5 0002009Automne
9 0772008Hiver
3 000 - 5 7152007Hiver
3 1492006Hiver
4 5002006Automne
3 4692005Hiver
6 7432004Hiver
4 958 - 5 0002003Hiver
6 2942002Hiver
5 000 - 10 0002002Automne
5 000 - 11 2792001Hiver
3 716 - 10 0002000Hiver
3 5002000Automne
19 2401999Hiver
5 0001999Automne
5 000 - 14 3221998Hiver
8 000 - 11 3071997Hiver
16 7271996Hiver
12 531 - 20 0001995Hiver
15 4281994Hiver
7 500 - 50 0001993Hiver
5 500 - 14 1571992Hiver
5 0001992Automne
18 4581991Hiver
27 4641990Hiver
50 0001979Hiver
Fuligule milouinan
Nombre Année Saison
5 0002020Hiver
10 1592019Hiver
6 900 - 8 6702018Hiver
5 000 - 5 2342015Hiver
6 0002014Printemps
1 800 - 7 1412011Hiver
4 7782010Hiver
8 8352009Hiver
13 900 - 18 6202008Hiver
2 0002004Hiver
4 0002003Automne
5 7732002Hiver
10 5002000Hiver
7 6001999Automne
10 000 - 30 0001999Hiver
10 0001997Hiver
7 8001996Hiver
2 1351995Automne
5 8871993Hiver
10 0311990Automne
2 1461985Automne
15 0001979Automne
2 2561975Automne
Harle huppé
Nombre Année Saison
3 0002015Automne
2 0002014Printemps
3 0002013Automne
1 7482012Hiver
2 000 - 9 0002011Automne
2 5002011Hiver
4 1002006Automne
6 0002000Hiver
Fuligule à dos blanc
Nombre Année Saison
4 0002021Hiver
4 300 - 9 0002020Hiver
9 1002018Hiver
5 7002013Hiver
1 500 - 4 2262011Hiver
3 5002010Hiver
7 1762009Hiver
1 0002003Hiver
6 000 - 14 0001997Hiver
Goéland à bec cerclé
Nombre Année Saison
4 0002011Automne
10 0002010Automne
23 0002009Hiver
32 0001998Été
18 000 - 27 0001995Automne
Quiscale rouilleux
Nombre Année Saison
Mouette pygmée
Nombre Année Saison
3 - 42021Automne
2 - 172021Printemps
2 - 42021Hiver
4 - 162020Hiver
4 - 122019Hiver
2 - 112019Automne
2 - 32019Printemps
3 - 72018Hiver
2 - 32018Automne
2 - 62018Printemps
2 - 52017Hiver
2 - 32017Automne
2 - 62016Hiver
2 - 32015Hiver
2 - 92015Automne
2 - 52014Automne
2 - 122014Printemps
2 - 52013Hiver
3 - 902013Printemps
2 - 142012Hiver
2 - 1372012Printemps
2 - 42011Hiver
2 - 32011Automne
2 - 32010Hiver
2 - 52010Printemps
3 - 82009Hiver
2 - 42009Automne
2 - 122008Hiver
2 - 32008Automne
4 - 112008Printemps
2 - 62006Hiver
2 - 42006Automne
2 - 52005Hiver
2 - 62005Automne
2 - 42003Hiver
3 - 72003Printemps
2 - 42002Hiver
2 - 102002Printemps
2 - 232001Hiver
2 - 52001Automne
2 - 202000Hiver
2 - 52000Automne
2 - 552000Printemps
2 - 851999Printemps
2 - 201999Hiver
2 - 81998Hiver
2 - 31998Automne
3 - 61998Printemps
2 - 61997Hiver
5 - 651997Printemps
3 - 161996Hiver
2 - 41996Automne
19 - 781996Printemps
2 - 41993Hiver
2 - 51993Automne
4 - 121991Hiver
2 - 41990Automne
3 - 51990Hiver
Plongeon catmarin
Nombre Année Saison
350 - 1 2052011Automne
Goéland marin
Nombre Année Saison
1 5401999Hiver
2 0891998Hiver
Martinet ramoneur
Nombre Année Saison
32 - 352018Automne
29 - 312017Automne
24 - 1092016Automne
76 - 1992014Automne
25 - 1072013Automne
87 - 1792011Automne
Moucherolle vert
Nombre Année Saison
Paruline orangée
Nombre Année Saison
Pie-grièche migratrice
Nombre Année Saison
Oiseaux aquatiques
Nombre Année Saison
73 5941990Automne
Pic à tête rouge
Nombre Année Saison
Petit Garrot
Nombre Année Saison